We highly suggest staying in the community Rachael’s family calls home during the summer.

If you would like to enjoy the weekend in a cottage inside the Assembly, please follow the instructions below:

Click on : Monteagle Assembly Cottages

  1. Click on “Cottages”

  2. Click on “Rent a Cottage”

  3. Now you can either view the rental map and see a breakdown of the rentals available (they are listed first by size/price (page 1) and then by

    location (page 2))

  4. Or you can click on “Rent a Cottage” again and plug in the dates you want and number of people, and a list of available houses will pop up for you to view.

*Remember there are also taxes and cleaning fees that will be added. When you receive your contract to sign, it will show all rental, deposit, taxes, and cleaning fees. Prices are listed by week, but many will rent for 3-4 days.

** Please let the Bride know if you are planning on renting, and if you are hoping to find other wedding guests to rent with. We would love to leave you a little something to welcome you and are happy to help find you housemates to make your stay more affordable.